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Lingua originale
Questa richiesta di traduzione è "Solo significato".
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bu sefer kendini yakalattın.

Traduzioni completate
Inglese You got yourself busted this time.
Persiano این دفعه خودت خراب کردی.
Lingua originale
Inglese Accelerating Itelligence
Because there are some new technologies coming where we may be able to enhance cognition and memory with implanted chips. Right now, if you work for a company , when you quit, your boss can take away your computer, your phone, but not your memory. Now, when we come to a point when an employee gets computer chip enhancements of their memory, who will own it?

Even today, some people claim that our iPhones are really just extensions of our minds.
این مطلب بخشی از مقاله ای است که برگرفته از روزنامه نیویورک تامیز هست،درارتباط با جعبه سیاه مغز انسان، خواندن افکار و مسائل اخلاقی این قضیه.

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Persiano تسریع آگاهی